きみの鳥はうたえる And Your Bird Can Sing

  • And Your Bird Can Sing
  • And Your Bird Can Sing
  • And Your Bird Can Sing
  • And Your Bird Can Sing
  • And Your Bird Can Sing
  • And Your Bird Can Sing
  • And Your Bird Can Sing
  • And Your Bird Can Sing
  • And Your Bird Can Sing
  • And Your Bird Can Sing
  • And Your Bird Can Sing
  • And Your Bird Can Sing
  • And Your Bird Can Sing
  • And Your Bird Can Sing
2018 / Drama, Romance / 106min G
Available Worldwide (except Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, US and Canada)
English, Spanish (Latin America), Indonesian, Thai, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
Contains sexual scenes, drinking, and smoking scenes.


A youth drama that depicts the city of Hakodate and the lives of its young residents.

A youth drama film, based on SATO Yasushi's novel of the same title, relocated from Tokyo to modern Hakodate. The story follows "Me" who works at a bookstore and lives with Shizuo, who is currently unemployed. Their coworker Sachiko had relations with “me” by an unexpected chance, starts visiting them almost every night, leading the three of them to spend their nights drinking, going to clubs, and hanging out together. "Me" and Sachiko behave like lovers but without restricting each other. CINEMA IRIS discovered SATO Yasushi's book and adapted "Sketches of Kaitan City" into a film, made this as their 20th-anniversary commemorative work. With a commitment to all-Hakodate filming, local citizens participated as cast and extras, offering soup kitchen, and providing information during location scouting. This film is recommended by CINEMA IRIS as it continues to walk alongside the city of Hakodate and its people.
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Director Profile


Born in 1984 in Sapporo, Hokkaido. After debuting with the feature-length film "Good for Nothing" (2010), Miyake directed his first theatrical release "Playback" in 2012. In 2022, he directed and wrote the film "Small, Slow but Steady" which received not only the Best Picture Award at the Takasaki Film Festival, but also the Director's Award and the Best Picture Award at the Mainichi Film Concours for Japanese films, and the Best Ten Japanese Film Award from Kinema Junpo. His latest work is the directorial project "Yoake no Subete", co-written with WADA Kiyoto, which is scheduled to be released in 2024.
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And Your Bird Can Sing
SDP Inc.

Produced to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the opening of CINEMA IRIS, this is the 4th movie filmed entirely in Hakodate, based on SATO Yasushi’s original work, released in 2018.

The director, MIYAKE Sho, is an up-and-coming filmmaker, making his first commercial film. Although the original story is set in a student town on the outskirts of Tokyo, the filming location was moved to Hakodate to realistically depict “Current Youth” in an ordinary provincial town.
The film captured the heart of the characters with close-up shots and shoes of eye movements.
During the three-week filming period, the staff and cast stayed in Hakodate for a long period of time.
Please check ISHIBASHI Shizukawa’s free and supple dance at the club.

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I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone in Hakodate involved in the creation of this film, including the original author and novelist SATO Yasushi, and SUGAWARA Kazuhiro from CINEMA IRIS. In a time when cinemas are closing one after another around the world, I deeply appreciate the significance of the challenge taken on by civic cinemas to create their own films. It feels as if this endeavor embodies the very essence of the film’s title and aligns with the lives of the characters portrayed by SATO Yasushi. I hope that this alternative distribution approach, distinct from major platforms, will lead to the discovery of new films, new actors, and a rediscovery of the cinema experience.

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  • Netherlands
    Min Pyae Sone

    love it

  • Colombia

    Me diverti mucho viéndola! Bella fotografía una trama que te atrapa, un gusto conocer a los personajes y realmente buenas actuaciones.
    La trama es un desencanto del amor romántico y al mismo tiempo una vuelta de tuerca al final de la película nos deja en claro que el amor es un sentimiento que nos deja boquiabiertos.

  • Thailand

    Pure gem with great plot.
    9+1/10 for having Yamamoto Ai starring.

  • France

    Wow! this movie is a pure gem, subtle, real and light, intense also; absolutely gorgeous!

  • Edgar

    Me encantó. Y me gustó mucho reconocer una canción de Anri, pero versión tipo Ska cuando fueron al karaoke. No recuerdo cómo se llama tho

  • Italy
    Antonio Napoleone

    The movie is a delicate and sensitive psychological study, a ménage à trois that at times recalls Jules et Jim. The pace is relaxed, locations and music are among the strong points of the film. The best moments are the scenes in the clubs and the walks of the protagonists, in which we capture the languor of fleeting youth.

  • Mexico

    Me dejo más dudas que respuestas y siento que es algo vacía la película, le falto algo más de historia sobre los personajes, saber que los hacia ser como eran.

  • Germany
    Anna Lazarescu

    Beautiful. I definitely feel like I relived some of my own summers through this movie. Miyake captured the slowness of night after night spent in suspension. While there is a good atmospheric build-up in the mundane array of moments of boredom and languor, in the ease and the feeling of endlessness, in the hazy blue and soft nights, the pitter-patter of rain and the hum of emotions cooking at a slow boil, there is also an underlying and intricately constructed tension. The one that the actors portray in a sublime and natural way and that of knowing that summers do end, and so will the magical moments. But those are the ones that remain ingrained: Miyake created little time-capsules, candid images and sensations that stay forever and weave their nostalgic touch into the fabric of what it means to be human. The pool games and giggles, the dancing and the drinks, the walks taken, and the shops ransacked in the middle of the night… all that is so beautifully portrayed. The confusion of emotions, the ups and downs and the final turmoil and tragedies, all that keep this work together stitched tight in its sometimes creeping slowness.

  • France
    Sybille BERGIA

    j’ ai vraiment aimé ce film je viens de voir “La beauté du geste” (ケイコ目を澄ませて · Keiko, me wosumasete) les références visuelles et la façon de filmer ce ressemble un peu lorsqu’il film les personnages dans leur quotidien mais le sujet est totalement diffèrent, mêmes si les personnages sont des 20/25 ans.
    c’est un beau portait de cette génération et ces trois personnage qui ne trouvent pas si facilement leur place dans la société Japonais dans le monde du travail, mais qui trouve une place dans un groupe/famille de substitution.

  • Hungary

    Oscar nominee…? It has my vote.
    Honestly, it’s a first-class drama you watch and never forget.
    These guys know that life is aimless…

  • Mexico

    ¡Qué vaivén de sentimientos! La relación del trío de amigos resulta muy interesante de ver, no sólo por los ambiguos sentimientos implicados, sino por cómo se afronta la complejidad de cada uno de los personajes. ¡La escena en el club me encantó! Y afortunadamente el soundtrack sí esta disponible en plataformas. ¡El final fue tan emocionante! Definitivamente una película imperdible, que agradezco mucho al festival por traerla.

  • Russian Federation

    I felt a bit hazy watching this, like I was the one who was drunk and ambivalent; even though I’m very much used to slow paced movies.
    Still, the ending made it worth it for me. I loved seeing the character development.
    The performances were brilliant, and I’ll be giving this one a rewatch later in a better mood, because there is definitely something special here.
    Thank you for the opportunity to see this film!

  • Russian Federation

    Thank you for this film. I really liked the story with no cliche, just a no-rush monogatari, quite often melancholic but… light, yes, light.
    And special thanks for Hakodate views, they recalled my own visit there 10 years ago.

  • Taiwan, Province of China
    Gina Wang

    good to see

  • Germany

    Excellent acting and development of the characters. A very special movie, thank you for sharing.

  • Poland

    Thanks for this wonderful movie!

  • Spain

    Una película bellísima e íntima que te acerca a la juventud en una ciudad como Hakodate. Y aunque esta experiencia pueda resultar lejana, me sorprendí más de una vez sonriendo mientras pensaba en experiencias y personas cercanas a mí mismo.

  • Thailand

    I appreciate the unromantic and emotionally reserved main characters.

  • Sara Seisdedos

    Una película muy delicada y sensible. Muy bonita.

  • Spain

    Muy bien retratada esa etapa de la vida, que es la juventud, en la que pareciera que nada importa.
    Una historia de amor donde se impone la verdad.
    A través de la pelicula, vemos la ciudad, las tiendas, las casas, retratadas de una forma muy realista.

  • Colombia

    La complejidad de las relaciones es simplemente un caos maravilloso; me quedé con un suspiro al final. Muy entretenida la película.

  • Spain

    I really liked this movie, the performances were great, and the general flow was very nice. I would like to know two things though, first why Miyake chose that title, and second, why we didn’t get to see some romance between Sachiko and Shizuo.

  • Philippines
    Melita Barcelona

    It’s nice to see Hakodate through this film.

  • Argentina

    Película de miradas, gestos, sobre lo no dicho, lo implícito, lo que se esconde y la sensación de vacío y soledad. Muy buena.

  • Argentina
    alicia lila pesce

    un film moroso pero necesario para los tiempos del desarrollo de los temas que no se mencionan directamente: necesidad de compañía,sin proyección al futuro, solo el momento compartido.MUY BUENA.

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