My Broken Mariko (2022) マイ・ブロークン・マリコ

Drama, Road Movie, Sisterhood ・85min

  • Rating

    Japan : G - Unclassified: 15+ (strong themes, mild verbal reference to sex, moderate coarse language) T18 17+

  • Keyword

    Manga adaptation, Friendship, Journey


အချစ်ဆုံးသူငယ်ချင်း၏ အရိုးပြာကို သယ်ဆောင်လာသည့် အမျိုးသမီးတစ်ဦး၏ လမ်းခရီးကို ရိုက်ကူးထားသည့် ရုပ်ရှင်ဖြစ်သည်။ 一部讲述与坠亡的好友真理子的遗骨一起在路上的公路片。 A road movie about a woman who goes on a journey carrying her dead best friend Mariko’s bones. Ce road movie trace le voyage d’une femme portant les cendres de son amie, Mariko, qui s’est tuée lors d'une chute. Ein Roadmovie über eine Frau, die sich gemeinsam mit den Gebeinen ihrer verstorbenen besten Freundin Mariko auf eine Reise begibt. Egy road movie egy nőről, aki útra kel, és halott legjobb barátja, Mariko csontjait viszi magával. Sebuah film jalan tentang seorang perempuan yang melakukan perjalanan sambil membawa abu kremasi sahabatnya yang telah meninggal, Mariko. Protagonista di questo road movie è una ragazza che viaggia con i resti della sua miglio amica, Mariko, morta per una caduta accidentale. Sebuah filem kembara tentang seorang wanita berkelana sambil memikul tulang-temulang teman baiknya, Mariko yang telah mati. Um road movie sobre uma mulher que parte em uma viagem carregando os ossos de sua melhor amiga morta, Mariko. Una road movie sobre una mujer que emprende un viaje cargando los huesos de su mejor amiga, Mariko. Bộ phim kể về một cô gái thực hiện chuyến hành trình mang theo hài cốt của người bạn thân nhất đã chết của mình là Mariko.

ဤဇာတ်ကားတွင် ဆေးလိပ်သောက်ခြင်း၊ လိင်မှုဆိုင်ရာ သရုပ်ဖော်မှု၊ သွေးထွက်သံယိုအခန်းများ၊ အကြမ်းဖက်မှု၊ မိမိကိုယ်ကိုယ် အဆုံးစီရင်သော ပြကွက်များပါဝင်သည်။ 本片含有饮酒、吸烟、性爱、流血、暴力及自杀的场景。 Contains scenes with alcohol consumption, smoking, sex, blood, violence and suicide. Contient des scènes de consommation d'alcool, de tabagie, de sexe, de violence et de suicide. Enthält Szenen, die Alkoholkonsum, Rauchen, Sex, Blut, Gewalt oder Selbstmord darstellen. Alkoholfogyasztást, dohányzást, szexet, vért, erőszakot és öngyilkosságot tartalmazó jelenetek láthatóak a filmben. Mengandung adegan mengonsumsi alkohol, merokok, seks, darah, kekerasan dan bunuh diri. Contiene scene di consumo di alcool, fumo, sesso, sangue, violenza e suicidio. Mengandungi babak minuman keras, merokok, seks, adengan berdarah, keganasan dan bunuh diri. Contém cenas com consumo de álcool, fumo, sexo, sangue, violência e suicídio. Contiene escenas de fumadores, consumo de alcohol, sexo, sangre, violencia y suicidio. Có các cảnh uống rượu bia, hút thuốc, tình dục, máu me, bạo lực và tự tử.


Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Brunei, Cambodia, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Laos, Mainland China, Malaysia, Mexico, Myanmar, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, United States, Vietnam


Burmese, Chinese (Simplified), English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Malay, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, Vietnamese


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ပင်လယ်ရှိရာသို့ သွားနေသူ အမျိုးသမီးတစ်ဦး...သူမ၏ အချစ်ဆုံးသူငယ်ချင်း မာရီကို၏ အရိုးပြာကို ထွေးပိုက်ထားသည်။ ဤဇာတ်လမ်းသည် ‌ယောကျ်ားများကြောင့် ဘဝပျက်ကာ သေခဲ့ရသည့် အချစ်ဆုံးသူငယ်ချင်းအား ပူဆွေးတမ်းတရင်း မိမိဘဝကို ပြန်တွေးမိသည့် အမျိုးသမီးတစ်ဦးအကြောင်းဖြစ်သည်။ 怀抱着闺蜜真理子的骨灰,女主奔赴大海。这部女性主义作品,讲述了女主的闺蜜因被男人们摧毁人生而死亡,女主在悼念好友的同时,重新直面自己的人生的故事。 A woman heads to the sea, carrying her dead best friend Mariko’s bones.
A story about a woman reflecting on her own life as she mourns for her best friend whose life was broken by men.
Une femme prend la route en direction de la mer. Elle porte les cendres de sa meilleure amie, Mariko.
L’histoire d’une femme réfléchissant à sa propre vie en pleurant sur celle de sa meilleure amie, détruite par les hommes.
Eine Frau fährt ans Meer, im Gepäck die Gebeine ihrer verstorbenen besten Freundin Mariko. Eine Geschichte über eine Frau, die über ihr eigenes Leben nachdenkt, während sie um ihre beste Freundin trauert, deren Leben von Männern zerstört wurde. Egy nő elindul a tenger felé, és magával viszi halott legjobb barátja, Mariko csontjait.
Egy történet egy nőről, aki saját életén elmélkedik, miközben legjobb barátnőjét gyászolja, akinek életét a férfiak törték össze.
Seorang perempuan melakukan perjalanan menuju laut sambil membawa abu kremasi sahabatnya, Mariko. Sebuah kisah tentang seorang perempuan yang merefleksikan kehidupannya sendiri saat ia berkabung untuk sahabatnya yang hidupnya dirusak oleh pria. Una donna compie un viaggio verso il mare, portando con sé le ossa della defunta Mariko, sua migliore amica. Storia di una donna che riflette sulla propria esistenza mentre piange la morte di una carissima amica, la cui vita è stata spezzata dagli uomini. Seorang wanita menuju ke laut, membawa bersama tulang-temulang teman baiknya, Mariko yang telah mati. Inilah sebuah kisah tentang wanita yang merenung kembali hidupnya tika berduka atas pemergian teman baiknya, yang disakiti lelaki. Uma mulher segue para o mar carregando as cinzas de sua melhor amiga morta, Mariko.
Uma história sobre uma mulher refletindo sobre sua própria vida enquanto chora por sua melhor amiga, cuja vida foi destruída por homens.
Una mujer se dirige al mar con los huesos de su mejor amiga muerta, Mariko.
Una historia sobre una mujer que reflexiona sobre su propia vida mientras llora por la muerte de su mejor amiga cuya vida fue destrozada por los hombres.
Một cô gái đi ra biển, mang theo tro cốt của người bạn thân nhất, Mariko, đã chết. Câu chuyện về một cô gái suy ngẫm về cuộc đời của chính mình khi cô thương tiếc người bạn thân nhất của mình, người đã bị đàn ông phá hỏng cuộc đời.

ကုမ္ပဏီဝန်ထမ်းဖြစ်သူ တိုမိုယို (နဂနို မဲအိ)သည် သူ၏ အချစ်ဆုံး သူငယ်ချင်း မာရီကို (နအို)တိုက်ပေါ်မှ ပြုတ်ကျသေဆုံးသွားကြောင်း TV သတင်းတွင် တွေ့လိုက်ရသည်။ မာရီကို ငယ်စဉ်က သူ့အဖေက သူ့ကို မကြာခဏ နှိပ်စက်တတ်သည်ကို တိုမိုယို သိထားသည်။ မာရီကို၏ အရိုးအိုးကို သူ့အဖေထံမှ ခိုးယူပြီး တိုမိုယို ထွက်ပြေးလာခဲ့သည်။ မာရီကိုအသက်ရှင်တုန်းက သူ၏ အတူနေ ချစ်သူကလည်း သူ့ကို ရုပ်ပိုင်းဆိုင်ရာအရ နှိပ်စက်ခဲ့သည်။
အမျိုးသမီးများ၏ သူငယ်ချင်းသံယောဇဉ်ကို သရုပ်ဖော်ထားသည့် ဆုများစွာ ရရှိထားသော နာမည်ကြီး မန်းဂကို ပြန်လည်ရိုက်ကူးထားသည့် ရုပ်ရှင်ဖြစ်သည်။ ဒါရိုက်တာ တနဒ ယုကိသည် လူဘဝအခြေပြု ဇာတ်ကားများ ရိုက်ကူးသူအဖြစ် ထင်ရှားသည်။ တိုမိုယိုနေရာတွင် သရုပ်ဆောင်ထားသည့် နဂနိုသည် ၂ဝ၂၁ ခုနှစ် ဂျပန် အကယ်ဒမီ ရုပ်ရှင်ဆုပေးပွဲတွင် ဆုရရှိခဲ့ပြီး ဂျပန်ရုပ်ရှင်လောက၏ အရည်အချင်းရှိသော နာမည်ကြီး ထိပ်တန်း မင်းသမီးတစ်ယောက်ဖြစ်သည်။ မာရီကိုအဖြစ် သရုပ်ဆောင်ထားသော နအိုသည် ရုပ်သံဇာတ်လမ်းတွဲများရော ရုပ်ရှင်ကားများတွင်ပါ တွေ့ရသည့် ထူးချွန်သော သရုပ်ဆောင်တစ်ဦးဖြစ်သည်။
Tomoyo (NAGANO Mei), an office worker, learns from the television news that her best friend Mariko (NAO) had died falling from an apartment building. Tomoyo knew that Mariko had been terribly abused by her father since childhood. She steals her best friend’s bones away from the father and runs. Mariko had also been physically abused by her partner while she was alive—she constantly had her life ruined by men. As Tomoyo remembers her memories with Mariko, she heads towards the sea, where Mariko had always wanted to go. While on the road, Tomoyo meets Makio (KUBOTA Masataka) who she involves into her final journey with Mariko, as she carries her bones.
A film adaptation of an award-winning and popular manga that vividly depicts a story of female friendship. The director is TANADA Yuki who is known for her humanistic films. Nagano, who plays Tomoyo, won an acting award at the Japan Academy Film Prize in 2021 and is one of the top working actors today both in skill and popularity. NAO, who plays Mariko, is a talented actor who works in both television and film.
Tomoyo (Mei NAGANO), employée de bureau, apprend à la télévision que son ancienne amie Mariko (NAO) est morte d’une chute depuis son appartement. Tomoyo savait que Mariko avait été sexuellement abusée par son père durant son enfance. Elle vole les cendres à sa famille et s’enfuit. Mariko a aussi été abusée par son compagnon lorsqu’elle était encore en vie – elle a été la victime constante des hommes. Alors que Tomoyo se remémore ses souvenirs avec Mariko, elle se dirige vers la mer où elle a toujours rêvé d’aller. Sur la route, Tomoyo rencontre Makio (Masataka KUBOTA) et l’invite à la suivre dans son voyage.
L'adaptation d’un manga populaire et primé qui dépeint l’histoire d’une amitié féminine. La réalisatrice est Yuki TANADA, connue pour ses films humanistes. Nagano, qui joue Tomoyo, a gagné un prix d’interprétation au Japan Academy Film Prize en 2021 et elle compte parmi les actrices les plus douées et les plus populaires. Nao, qui joue Mariko, est une comédienne talentueuse qui travaille pour la télévision comme pour le cinéma.
Tomoyo (NAGANO Mei), eine Büroangestellte, erfährt aus den Fernsehnachrichten, dass ihre beste Freundin Mariko (NAO) beim Sturz von einem Wohnhaus ums Leben gekommen ist. Tomoyo wusste, dass Mariko seit ihrer Kindheit von ihrem Vater furchtbar missbraucht worden war. Sie stiehlt die Knochen ihrer besten Freundin von ihrem Vater und läuft davon. Mariko wurde zu Lebzeiten auch von ihrem Partner körperlich misshandelt - ihr Leben wurde ohne Unterlass von Männern ruiniert. Begleitet von ihren Erinnerungen an Mariko macht sich Tomoyo auf den Weg zum Meer, wo Mariko schon immer hinwollte. Unterwegs trifft Tomoyo auf Makio (KUBOTA Masataka), den sie zu ihrer letzten Reise mit Marikos Knochen einlädt.
Eine Verfilmung eines preisgekrönten und beliebten Mangas, der die Geschichte einer Frauenfreundschaft anschaulich darstellt. Die Regisseurin TANADA Yuki ist für ihre humanistischen Filme bekannt. NAGANO, die Tomoyo spielt, wurde 2021 mit dem Filmpreis der Japanischen Akademie ausgezeichnet und zählt heute zu den herausragendsten Schauspielerinnen, sowohl was ihr Können als auch ihre Popularität betrifft. NAO, die Mariko spielt, ist eine talentierte Schauspielerin, die sowohl im Fernsehen als auch im Film arbeitet.
Az irodai alkalmazott Tomojo (Ngano Mei) a televíziós hírekből értesül arról, hogy legjobb barátnője, Mariko (Nao) meghalt, amikor lezuhant egy lakóházból. Tomojo tudta, hogy Marikót gyermekkora óta szörnyen bántalmazta az apja. A lány ellopja legjobb barátnője csontjait az apjától, és elmenekül. Marikonak folyamatosan tönkretették az életét a férfiak, mivel a párja is fizikailag bántalmazta, amíg élt. Ahogy Tomojo felidézi a Marikóval közös emlékeit, a tenger felé veszi az irányt, ahová Mariko mindig is szeretett ellátogatni. Útközben Tomojo találkozik Makióval (Kubota Maszataka), akit bevon a Marikóval és a csontjaival közös utolsó útjába.
A díjnyertes és népszerű manga filmadaptációja, amely szemléletesen ábrázolja egy női barátság történetét. A rendező Tanada Juki, aki humanista filmjeiről ismert. A Tomojót alakító Nagano 2021-ben elnyerte a Japán Filmakadémia színészi díját, és napjaink egyik legjobban értékelt színésze mind képzettségében, mind népszerűségében. Nao, aki Marikót alakítja, szintén tehetséges színésznő, aki televízióban és moziban egyaránt feltűnik Japánban.
Tomoyo (NAGANO Mei), seorang pekerja kantoran, mengetahui dari berita televisi bahwa sahabatnya, Mariko (NAO), telah meninggal dunia karena jatuh dari gedung apartemen. Tomoyo tahu bahwa sejak kecil Mariko telah mengalami penganiayaan yang dilakukan oleh ayahnya. Ia mencuri abu kremasi sahabatnya dari sisi ayahnya kemudian melarikan diri. Saat masih hidup, Mariko pun pernah mengalami penyiksaan fisik yang dilakukan oleh kekasihnya- ia merasa hidupnya secara beruntun dihancurkan oleh laki-laki.
Saat Tomoyo sedang mengingat kenangannya dengan Mariko, ia menuju ke laut, tempat yang selalu ingin dikunjungi oleh Mariko. Saat dalam perjalanan, Tomoyo bertemu dengan Makio (KUBOTA Masataka) yang ia ajak untuk ikut serta dalam perjalanan terakhirnya bersama abu kremasi Mariko.
Sebuah film adaptasi dari manga populer dan pemenang penghargaan yang menggambarkan kisah persahabatan perempuan. TANADA Yuki (sutradara) dikenal dengan film-filmnya yang humanis. NAGANO Mei merupakan salah satu aktor terbaik saat ini dalam hal kemampuan dan popularitas, pernah memenangkan penghargaan akting di Japan Academy Film Prize pada tahun 2021, sedangkan NAO adalah aktor berbakat yang sering muncul untuk acara televisi dan film.
Tomoyo (NAGANO Mei), di professione impiegata, apprende dal telegiornale che la sua migliore amica Mariko (NAO) è morta gettandosi da un palazzo. Tomoyo sapeva che l’amica era stata terribilmente maltrattata dal padre fin dall'infanzia; decide allora di rubare le ossa di Mariko dalla casa del genitore e di scappare. La sua povera amica aveva subìto anche abusi fisici da parte del compagno e di certo la sua era stata un’esistenza costantemente devastata dagli uomini. Man mano che Tomoyo lascia affiorare i suoi ricordi con Mariko, si dirige verso il mare, dove la compagna di tante confidenze aveva sempre voluto andare. Durante il viaggio, Tomoyo incontra Makio (KUBOTA Masataka) e lo coinvolge nel suo ultimo viaggio con Mariko, mentre ne trasporta le ossa.
Adattamento cinematografico di un manga assai popolare e pluripremiato, che racconta con toni intensi una storia di amicizia femminile. La regista è TANADA Yuki, nota per i suoi film pieni di umanità. L’interpretazione dell’attrice NAGANO nel ruolo di Tomoyo le è valso il Japan Academy Film Prize nel 2021 e l’ha confermata tra le migliori attrici giapponesi oggi in attività, sia per bravura che per popolarità. Anche NAO, che interpreta Mariko, è attrice di talento e svolge la sua professione sia in televisione che al cinema.
Tomoyo (NAGANO Mei), seorang pekerja pejabat, mendapati bahawa teman baiknya Mariko (NAO) telah meninggal dunia setelah jatuh daripada pangsapuri melalui paparan berita di TV. Tomoyo mengetahui akan Mariko yang didera kejam oleh bapanya sejak dia kecil. Dia kemudiannya mencuri tulang-temulang teman baiknya itu daripada ayahnya kemudian melarikan diri. Mariko juga telah didera pasangannya ketika dia masih hidup - malah selalu sahaja hidupnya dimusnahkan lelaki. Ketika Tomoyo mengingati puing-puing memori bersama Mariko, dia menuju ke laut, tempat di mana Mariko selalu ingin pergi. Ketika kembara, Tomoyo bertemu dengan Makio (KUBOTA Masataka) yang mana turut terlibat dalam kembara terakhir bersama Mariko, tulang-tulang di genggaman.
Inilah sebuah adaptasi daripada manga masyhur yang mendapat penganugerahan, yang jelas memaparkan kisah persahabatan wanita. Sutradara, TANADA Yuki terkenal dengan filem-filem kemanusiaannya. Nagano, yang memegang watak Tomoyo, telah memenangi anugerah lakonan di Anugerah Filem Akademi Jepun pada tahun 2021, yang menjadi salah seorang pelakon unggul hari ini melalui kemahiran dan kemasyhurannya. NAO, yang memegang watak Mariko, merupakan seorang aktor berbakat yang telah berkarya dalam lensa televisyen dan filem.
Tomoyo (NAGANO Mei), uma funcionária de escritório, fica sabendo pelo noticiário da televisão que sua melhor amiga Mariko (NAO) morreu ao cair de um prédio de apartamentos. Tomoyo sabia que Mariko havia sido terrivelmente abusada pelo pai desde a infância. Ela rouba as cinzas de sua melhor amiga do pai e foge. Mariko também havia sido abusada fisicamente por seu parceiro enquanto estava viva – sua vida era constantemente arruinada por homens. Enquanto Tomoyo relembra suas lembranças com Mariko, ela se dirige para o mar, onde Mariko sempre quis ir. Durante a viagem, Tomoyo conhece Makio (KUBOTA Masataka), que ela envolve em sua jornada final com Mariko, enquanto ela carrega suas cinzas.
Uma adaptação cinematográfica de um mangá popular e premiado que retrata vividamente uma história de amizade feminina. A diretora é TANADA Yuki, conhecida por seus filmes humanísticos. Nagano, que interpreta Tomoyo, ganhou um prêmio de atuação no Japan Academy Film Prize em 2021 e é uma das principais atrizes da atualidade, tanto em habilidade quanto em popularidade. NAO, que interpreta Mariko, é uma atriz talentosa que trabalha tanto na televisão quanto no cinema.
Tomoyo (Mei NAGANO), una oficinista, se entera por las noticias de la televisión que su mejor amiga Mariko (NAO) había muerto al caer de un edificio de apartamentos. Tomoyo sabía que Mariko había sido terriblemente abusada por su padre desde la infancia. Ella le roba los huesos de su mejor amiga al padre y huye. Mariko también había sido abusada físicamente por su pareja mientras estaba viva; los hombres arruinaban su vida constantemente. Mientras Tomoyo rememora sus recuerdos con Mariko, se dirige hacia el mar, donde Mariko siempre había querido ir. En el camino, Tomoyo conoce a Makio (Masataka KUBOTA), a quien involucra en su viaje final con Mariko, mientras lleva sus huesos.
Una adaptación cinematográfica de un manga galardonado y popular que describe vívidamente una historia de amistad femenina. La directora es YukiTANADA, conocida por sus películas humanísticas. Nagano, quien interpreta a Tomoyo, ganó un premio de actuación en el Premio de Cine de la Academia de Japón en 2021 y es una de las actrices más destacadas en la actualidad, tanto por su habilidad como por su popularidad. NAO, que interpreta a Mariko, es una actriz talentosa que trabaja tanto en televisión como en el cine.
Tomoyo (NAGANO Mei), một nhân viên văn phòng, được biết trên truyền hình rằng người bạn thân nhất của cô là Mariko (NAO) đã chết khi rơi từ một tòa nhà chung cư. Tomoyo biết rằng Mariko đã bị cha mình bạo hành thậm tệ từ khi còn nhỏ. Cô đánh cắp hài cốt của người bạn thân nhất của người cha và bỏ chạy. Mariko cũng từng bị bạn tình bạo hành thể xác khi còn sống - cô liên tục bị đàn ông hủy hoại cuộc đời mình. Khi Tomoyo nhớ lại những kỷ niệm của mình với Mariko, cô ấy tiến về phía biển, nơi Mariko luôn muốn đến. Một người đàn ông tên Makio (KUBOTA Masataka), người mà cô gặp trên đường đi, cũng tham gia, và Tomoyo, mang theo hài cốt, tiếp tục cuộc hành trình cuối cùng của mình với Mariko...
Một bộ phim chuyển thể từ bộ truyện tranh nổi tiếng và từng đoạt giải thưởng, mô tả một cách sinh động câu chuyện về tình bạn của nữ giới. Đạo diễn là TANADA Yuki, người được biết đến với những bộ phim mang tính nhân văn. Nagano, người đóng vai Tomoyo, từng đoạt giải diễn xuất tại Giải thưởng Viện Hàn lâm Nhật Bản năm 2021 và là một trong những diễn viên hàng đầu hiện nay cả về kỹ năng lẫn độ nổi tiếng. NAO, người đóng vai Mariko, là một diễn viên tài năng, hoạt động cả trong lĩnh vực truyền hình và điện ảnh.



၁၉၇၅ ခုနှစ်တွင် ဖုကုအိုက စီရင်စု၊ ခိတကျူးရှူးမြို့တွင် ဖွားမြင်ပြီး ရုပ်ရှင်အစည်းအရုံးတွင် အချိန်ပိုင်းလုပ်ရင်း ရုပ်ရှင်ရိုက်ကူးသည့်အတတ်ပညာကို လေ့လာခဲ့သည်။ ၂ဝဝ၁ ခုနှစ်တွင် "Mole" ဇာတ်ကားဖြင့် "PFF Award Grand Prix "ကိုလည်းကောင်း၊ ၂ဝဝ၈ ခုနှစ်တွင် "One Million Yen and the Nigamushi Woman"ဇာတ်ကားဖြင့် “Directors Guild of Japan's New Directors Award” နှင့် Udine Far East ရုပ်ရှင်ပွဲတော်၏ "My Movies Audience Award" ကို ရရှိခဲ့သည်။ သူမ ရိုက်ကူးခဲ့သော အခြားရုပ်ရှင်များမှာ "Wataru Takada: A Japanese Original”(၂ဝဝ၄)၊ "Akai Bunka Jutaku no Hatsuko” (၂ဝဝ၇)၊ Toronto International Film Festival တွင် ဆန်ကာတင်ရုပ်ရှင်အဖြစ် ပြသခဲ့သည့် "The Cowards Who Looked to the Sky” (၂ဝ၁၂)နှင့် "Romance Doll” (၂ဝ၂ဝ)တို့ဖြစ်သည်။ 1975年(昭和50)年,在福冈县北九州市出生。电影导演、作家。高中毕业后,一边兼职一边在image forum影像研究所学习影像制作。2001年(平成13年)凭借《MORU》在PIA电影节冠军。2008年凭借《百万元与苦虫女》获得日本电影导演协会新人奖,远东国际电影节获得“My Movies Audience Award”奖。其他导演作品《高田渡之歌》《红色文化住宅里的初子》《无用的我看见了天》(多伦多国际电影节首映展映作品)等。编剧代表作《恶女花魁》等。小说出版代表作《百万元与苦虫女》《爱情人偶》 Born in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture in 1975, she studied filmmaking at the Image Forum Film Institute while working part-time.In 2001, she won the PFF Award Grand Prix for "Mole," and in 2008 she won the Directors Guild of Japan's New Directors Award and the Udine Far East Film Festival's "My Movies Audience Award" for "One Million Yen and the Nigamushi Woman".Her filmography includes "Wataru Takada: A Japanese Original(2004)" "Akai Bunka Jutaku no Hatsuko(2007)" "The Cowards Who Looked to the Sky(2012)" (screened in Toronto International Film Festivalan as official selection), and "Romance Doll(2020)". Née à Kytakyushu, préfecture de Fukuoka, en 1975. Elle étudie la réalisation à l’Image Forum de Tokyo où elle travaille à mi-temps. En 2001, elle remporte le Grand Prix du Pia Film Festival pour « Mole » et, en 2008, elle remporte le prix du meilleur réalisateur à la Director’s Guild of Japan et au Festival du Film Asiatique d’Udine pour « One Million Yen and the Nigamushi Woman ». Sa filmographie inclut « Wataru Takada : A Japanese Original » (2004), « Akai Bunka Jutaku no Hatsuko » (2007) », « The Cowards Who Looked to the Sky” (2012) et “Romance Doll” (2020). Sie wurde 1975 in Kitakyushu City, Präfektur Fukuoka, geboren und studierte Filmproduktion am Image Forum Film Institute, während sie nebenbei in Teilzeit arbeitete. 2001 gewann sie den PFF Award Grand Prix für „Mole“ und 2008 den Directors Guild of Japan's New Directors Award und den „My Movies Audience Award“ des Udine Far East Film Festival für „One Million Yen and the Nigamushi Woman“. Zu ihrer Filmografie gehören „Wataru Takada: A Japanese Original“ (2004), „Akai Bunka Jutaku no Hatsuko“ (2007), „The Cowards Who Looked to the Sky“ (2012) (offizielle Auswahl des Toronto International Film Festival) und „Romance Doll“ (2020). 1975-ben született Kitakjúusú városában, Fukuoka prefektúrában, az Image Forum Filmintézetben tanult filmkészítést, miközben részmunkaidőben dolgozott. 2001-ben elnyerte a PFF Award Grand Prix-t a "Mole" című filmjéért, 2008-ban pedig a Directors Guild of Japan új rendezői díját és az Udine Far East Film Festival "My Movies Audience Award"-ját az "One Million Yen and the Nigamushi Woman" című filmjéért.Filmográfiája a "Wataru Takada: A Japanese Original (2004)" "Akai Bunka Jutaku no Hatsuko(2007)" "The Cowards Who Looked to the Sky(2012)" (a Torontói Nemzetközi Filmfesztivál hivatalos válogatásában vetítették), és a "Romance Doll(2020)". Lahir di kota Kitakyushu, Prefektur Fukuoka pada tahun 1975. TANADA belajar pembuatan film di Image Forum Film Institute sambil bekerja paruh waktu. Pada tahun 2001, ia memenangkan PFF Award Grand Prix untuk Mole dan pada tahun 2008, ia memenangkan Directors Guild of Japan's New Directors Award dan My Movies Audience Award di Udine Far East Film Festival untuk One Million Yen and the Nigamushi Woman. Filmografi filmnya meliputi Wataru Takada: A Japanese Original (2004), Akai Bunka Jutaku no Hatsuko (2007), The Cowards Who Looked to the Sky (2012) yang diputar di Toronto International Film Festival sebagai official selection, dan Romance Doll (2020). Nata nel 1975 nella cittadina di Kitakyushu, nella prefettura di Fukuoka, ha studiato regia all'Image Forum Film Institute, mantenendosi agli studi con un lavoro part-time. Nel 2001 con “Mole" vince il PFF Award Grand Prix e nel 2008 ottiene il Directors Guild of Japan's New Directors Award e il "My Movies Audience Award" al Far East Film Festival di Udine con "One Million Yen and the Nigamushi Woman”. La sua filmografia comprende "Wataru Takada: A Japanese Original (2004)”, "Akai Bunka Jutaku no Hatsuko (2007)" , "The Cowards Who Looked to the Sky (2012)" - presentato al Toronto International Film Festival nella selezione ufficiale - e "Romance Doll (2020)". Dilahirkan di Bandaraya Kitakyushu, Wilayah Fukuoka pada tahun 1975, beliau mendapat pendidikan dalam pengajian filem di Image Forum Film Institute ketika bekerja separuh masa. Pada tahun 2001, beliau telah memenangi PFF Award Grand Prox melalui "Mole", dan pada tahun 2008, beliau telah memenangi Director's Guild di Japan's New Directors Award dan Udine Far East Film Festivals, dalam kategori "My Movies Audience Award" melalui "One Million Yen and the Nigamushi Woman". Filem-filem beliau termasuklah "Wataru Takada: A Japanese Original(2004)", "Akai Bunka Jutaku no Hatsuko (2007) ", "The Cowards Who Looked to the Sky (2012)", (ditayangkan di Festival Filem Antarabangsa Toronto sebagai pilihan rasmi), dan "Romance Doll (2020)". Nascida na cidade de Kitakyushu, província de Fukuoka, em 1975, ela estudou cinema no Image Forum Film Institute enquanto trabalhava meio período. Em 2001, ela ganhou o PFF Award Grand Prix por "Mole", e em 2008 ela ganhou o Directors Guild of Japan's Prêmio Novos Diretores e "My Movies Audience Award" do Udine Far East Film Festival por "One Million Yen and the Nigamushi Woman".Sua filmografia inclui "Wataru Takada: A Japanese Original(2004)" "Akai Bunka Jutaku no Hatsuko(2007) " "The Cowards Who Looked to the Sky(2012)" (exibido no Toronto International Film Festivalan como seleção oficial) e "Romance Doll(2020)". Nacida en la ciudad de Kitakyushu, prefectura de Fukuoka, en 1975, estudió cine en el Image Forum Film Institute mientras trabajaba a allí a tiempo parcial. En 2001, ganó el Gran Premio PFF por "Mole" y en 2008 ganó el premio del Sindicato de Directores de Japón. Premio Nuevos Directores y el Premio del Público "My Movies" del Festival de Cine del Lejano Oriente de Udine por "One Million Yen and the Nigamushi Woman". Su filmografía incluye "Wataru Takada: A Japanese Original (2004)" "Akai Bunka Jutaku no Hatsuko (2007) ""The Cowards Who Looked to the Sky(2012)" (proyectada en en la selección oficial del Festival Internacional de Cine de Toronto), y "Romance Doll(2020)". Sinh ra ở thành phố Kitakyushu, tỉnh Fukuoka vào năm 1975, cô học làm phim tại Viện phim Diễn đàn Hình ảnh trong khi làm việc bán thời gian. Năm 2001, cô đã giành được Giải thưởng PFF Grand Prix cho phim "Mole" và năm 2008, cô đã giành được Giải thưởng của Hiệp hội Đạo diễn Nhật Bản. Giải thưởng Đạo diễn mới và "Giải thưởng khán giả" của Liên hoan phim Viễn Đông Udine cho "One Million Yen and the Nigamushi Woman". Phim của cô bao gồm "Wataru Takada: A Japan Original(2004)" "Akai Bunka Jutaku no Hatsuko(2007) " "The Cowards Who Looked to the Sky (2012)" (chiếu tại Liên hoan phim quốc tế Toronto dưới dạng tuyển chọn chính thức) và "Romance Doll (2020)".


    • Thomas
    • Germany

    Tragic story reflecting on two characters very different from each one another but bond to each other which made this friendship between them difficult.

    In the end, all the help provided to Mariko was in vain and that has been the point that led to much frustration on the part of Tomoyo.

    The film and the story as such certainly have a reflection on societal issues as the occure in real life and it always goes back to where it all starts first, the own family.

    • Paula Raquel Steinberg
    • Argentina

    Me gustó mucho, quizás la pondría en el cuarto lugar. Estuvo muy bien actuada.

    • Mira
    • Brazil

    I actually planned on watching another movie and ended up clicking on this one by accident. However, I was invested from the very first second and couldn’t help but watch it until the very end. A beautiful and tragic story about love. And even though you can love someone and still not be able to save them from the horrible circumstances and themselves, you can still give your best to live well and carry that love and that someone with you until your last days. Kinda needed to hear some of the words present here.

    • Astromuñe
    • Mexico

    A deeply touching story, in which we can reflect all the untold things we have inside.

    • dabi77
    • Italy

    Bellissimo film. Molto toccante.

    • mee
    • Viet Nam

    đau lòng và sâu sắc, lâu rồi mới khóc đã như vậy. mong chúng ta đều được bình yên. cảm ơn JFF vì đã mang về bộ phim ý nghĩa, tôi hạnh phúc trong sự nghẹt mũi xứng đáng này :”)

    • Irene Diana
    • Italy

    Film intenso per le problematiche che affronta, problematiche sempre più seguite affrontate e denunciate. Grazie per questo film quanto mai attuale, interpretazioni ammirevole nel gestire ruolo assai difficile. Grazie per questa importante occasione di confronto e conoscenza.

    • Ol
    • France

    J’ai tellement pleuré…!
    C’est révoltant, tendre, drôle, triste, doux, lumineux, tout cela à la fois ! Le rythme du film est parfait, l’actrice principale d’une grande justesse. L’amitié entre les deux jeunes femmes est super bien traitée, ça fait beaucoup de bien – ce n’est pas si fréquent.
    Très heureuse d’avoir eu la chance de le voir, merci !!

    • Ikkun
    • Viet Nam

    Phim hay, nhiều ý nghĩa, cảnh quay đẹp, dàn diễn viên đều lột tả được nhiều cung bậc cảm xúc :3 nói chung thì mình thấy độ dài 90′ đó là vừa đủ, pacing cũng tốt, khiến cho người xem bị cuốn hút và đau cùng những nỗi đau của nhân vật. Chị nữ chính diễn rất có hồn :3 nhất là cảnh cuối :3

    • krihs
    • France


    • midorichan-no-sekai
    • Germany

    it’s a really heartwarming film about a serious topic. I liked that the film wasn’t melodramatic, but was sad, funny and exciting. Now I want to read the book.

    • sandy
    • Indonesia

    it’s about accepting grief for a friend who has passed away, maybe the conclusion is too cliche but we must living live for them either you like it or not.

    • Urban Kheki
    • Hungary

    “Don’t Come Knocking”… Wenders? Jarmusch? A moving example of a great tradition.

    • Rho
    • Philippines

    My favorite movie. I cried so much when I read the manga when it was first released in 2020, and I cried even more when the movie adaptation came out in 2022. This movie is the entire reason why I’ve been encouraging my friends to go sign up for this online film festival. I want everyone to experience this masterpiece.

    • Dbfuru
    • United States of America

    I enjoyed this movie and the way it portrayed the powerful relationship of two friends just trying to survive. Emotionally moving. Friendships can be overwhelmingly powerful and the experiences that we share are often life changing. A difficult subject for a Japanese film to focus on; the most unacceptable and perverse actions against woman and children. Culturally unacceptable yet not openly discussed in Japans submissive society.

    • Real
    • Mexico

    I already knew the story because I have read the manga and I must say that it is beautifully adapted. I cried a lot. thank you director

    • Izumi
    • Brazil

    Já dava pra saber que seria uma história difícil de acompanhar só pela sinopse, mas a jornada introspectiva é desenhada de maneira muito bonita e delicada. E que atuação da Nagano Mei! Uma performance extremamente necessária uma vez que ela é o foco majoritário do filme. Uma das melhores atuações deste festival, com certeza.

    • Vittorio
    • Italy

    Adattamento cinematografico dell’omonimo manga, ne trasmette il dramma di una bella amicizia femminile e sul significato di “amicizia”. La regista riesce nel non facile compito di portare in pellicola una storia per nulla facile grazie anche all’ottima interpretazione di Nagano Mei. Una storia nata in Giappone, ma declinabile in qualsiasi nazione.

    • Ikkun
    • Viet Nam

    Tình cờ xem được trailer và khiến mình tò mò nên chọn xem, quả thực không uổng phí chút nào. Không biết bản gốc manga thế nào nhưng bản movie rất vừa vặn, không quá dài, các diễn viên đều lột tả được hết những cung bậc cảm xúc :3

    • AkimaLuv
    • Viet Nam

    Bộ phim ngập tràn trong cảm xúc và ký ức, chỉ tiếc là hơi ngắn. Có những hành trình không hắn là chữa lành hay buông bỏ mà để trân trọng, khắc sâu lưu giữ nỗi buồn mang tên Mariko

    • Adriana
    • Mexico

    One of the saddest films I’ve seen in a while, prepare your tissues you guys. Their acting is phenomenal, I’m familiar with Nao’s acting since “Neechan no Koibitox and she’s definitely gotten so much better, I’m glad to see her shine here along with the great Nagano Mei.
    I think this movie truly broke and repaired a part of me, all at once.

    • Carolin
    • Germany

    Wow, the actress is amazing in the portrayal of grief and the question of why. And in showing her way of understanding/managing her grief and the protective nature extending beyond her best friend to save another young girl. Just makes me question if there are no child services/help for beaten and raped children in Japan, someone should have seen the heavy bruises… Hopefully that is different now or will change….

    • Erika
    • Hungary

    Nagyon tetszett a My Broken Mariko,sok érzelmet hozott ki belőlem és elgondolkodtató.
    The Lines That Define Me is nagyon izgalmas volt.

    • FJLink
    • Spain

    Un film sobre gente rota, por fuera y por dentro. Me gustó mucho cómo exploraba el luto de Shii-chan, esa conexión que tuvo con una persona que a partir de ahora sólo existirá en su memoria. Me gustó mucho esa vuelta a la rutina al final, el cómo esa experiencia tan intensa, para los demás fue un día más. Te invita a pensar en cómo seguir adelante, y a valorar lo vivido.

    • Na
    • Viet Nam

    Để ý phim từ ngày My Broken Mariko bắt đầu dự án, lần lữa tới hôm nay mới xem trên JFF – và thật sự cảm ơn JFF vì điều này.

    My Broken Mariko rất đẹp, từ câu chuyện, cách truyền tải, cách dựng phim, từng góc quay và các khung cảnh tĩnh đều tuyệt đẹp.

    “Chắc hẳn có lý do gì đó cô mới tới đây. Nhưng đừng mất trí đấy. Cô phải tắm rửa, ăn uống, nghỉ ngơi đầy đủ. Nếu không cơ thể sẽ ngừng hoạt động”
    “Tôi đã suy nghĩ rất nhiều. Điều duy nhất ta có thể làm cho một người đã khuất, là sống tiếp. Hãy chăm sóc bản thân thật tốt. Và trân trọng người sống trong ký ức của cô”

    Mong ngày nào của chúng ta cũng được bình yên.

    • Rocio
    • Australia


    • Stefano
    • Italy

    Un film intenso e toccante. Grazie per aver dato l’opportunità di vederlo.

    • Lodoss
    • Singapore

    Good film that deals with death of one’s best friend. Great performance by the cast.

    • Co Mat
    • Viet Nam

    I cried when I watched this movie. The story is hurtful.
    The consequence of toxic masculinity is the creation of some inhumane men, willing to cause harm to others, to satisfy their desires, selfishness, and ambition for power. , wanting to oppress others, considering himself superior.
    May the universe help the souls who have been hurt and wronged to escape and return to the realm of light to enjoy happiness.

    • Krihs
    • France


    • Lan Anh
    • Viet Nam

    Thank you for giving us the chance to watch such a beautiful & meaningful movie. A lesson to learn about selfcare including asking help from friends because life is not easy for many.

    • jose
    • Mexico

    Que hermoso leer los comentarios de todos, saber que una película une a personas alrededor del mundo es algo bello, sigan viviendo!

    PD; Si tienen la oportunidad, compren el libro.

    • ju
    • Brazil

    É um filme incrivel, tem temas sensíveis e confiança ao outra. E Conclusão é excelente!
    As mensagens são importantes para nós que vivemos e cuidamos na vida.
    Amei o filme, é baseado em mangá de Waka Hirako, me chamou atenção. Igualzinho mesmo!

    • Ale
    • Mexico

    Triste, emotiva, reflexiva. Muy buena película

    • Hiraoka_GR
    • Mexico

    Amé esta película, es una belleza. En cuanto a lo técnico me pareció una gran realización, excelentes actuaciones, excelente guion, todo 10 de 10.
    Muchas gracias por compartir.

    • Jonathan González

    Esta película desarrolla perfectamente la temática del duelo y la pérdida, con la herramienta narrativa de ‘road trip’.

    Dicha herramienta no se siente impuesta, sino que la situación como el carácter del personaje, hacen que sea necesaria para poder avanzar en la historia.

    Los encuentros entre los personajes, a través de los recuerdos y cartas, resultan sutiles, pero a la vez muy impactantes y emocionales. Siendo quizá lo más significativo y distintivo de la película.

    Muchas gracias por compartirla.

    • Maria
    • Italy

    La prossima volta spero che i sottotitoli vengano affidati a qualcuno in grado di tradurre direttamente dal giapponese, senza passare dall’inglese. Gli errori di traduzione (e i prezzi in dollari) continuavano a distrarmi.
    Per il resto è un film carino, a tratti un po’ retorico e carente dal punto di vista della caratterizzazione, ma apprezzo lo sforzo di trattare temi così delicati concentrandosi su aspetti poco trattati nei media (l’annichilimento psicologico della vittima di violenza, il dolore di chi resta). Sono contenta di averlo visto, mi ha dato da pensare.

    • Hugo
    • Spain

    Me conmovió demasiado y me dejó un poco tocado. Pero es preciosa la amistad de las protagonistas. Y los seres de luz que aparecen de vez en cuando como el chico de la carretera.

    • sobbie
    • Viet Nam

    Mình thích không khí và màu sắc của phim vô cùng, bgm và các góc quay cũng rất hay. Những đối thoại của Mariko và Shinno làm mình vừa cảm động vừa buồn bã quá. Mei trong vai Shiino làm mình tưởng như nhân vật trong truyện bước ra, những khúc gào của chị làm mình đau lòng không thôi. Các hành động của chị cũng dứt khoát và không sượng cứng, ánh mắt rất thần và biểu cảm được thể hiện ổn. Mình thích cách kể của phim, cũng như nội dung được truyền tải, cảm xúc phim đem đến không quá mạnh mẽ (đối với mình), nhưng nó như cái dằm trên da, và mình mãi chẳng rút ra được. Kết phim tuy không nói ra lí do Mariko “tan vỡ” ở đầu phim, hay người xem không được biết đến nội dung lá thư là gì (ngoài câu “Gửi Shiin-chan”), mình lại thích điều đó vì nó mang tính mở, gợi ra nhiều khoảng không để khán giả tự lí giải theo cách riêng chứ không chăm chăm vào một hướng duy nhất.

    Rất cảm ơn bộ phim, cảm ơn Liên hoan phim Nhật nhiều ạ!

    • Alessia
    • Italy

    Such a moving story… I found myself sobbing even though I tought I could handle my emotions pretty well. it really depicts all the phases of grieving with care and without being pathetic. Everyone should watch this film at least once

    • Toreador
    • Mexico

    Fue una película muy emocional, la he disfrutado un montón. Muchas gracias! Definitivamente voy a buscar el manga de esta historia.

    • Yusaku
    • United States of America

    My family was truly moved by this film. The resolution was quite fitting and profound in a sublime way. We look forward to see more films from Ms. Tanada.

    • Gomai
    • Germany

    Very impressive! Simply brilliant!

    • HHG
    • Germany

    A deeply moving story.

    • K
    • Australia


    • Julien
    • France

    J’avais lu le manga que j’avais adoré, mais je n’ai pas retrouvé dans le film l’émotion perçue dans le manga. Le film est bien, on y ressent bien la tristesse des évènements mais aussi la joie des bons moments cependant je l’ai trouvé un peu trop lent avec quelques temps morts.
    Rien à redire sur le jeu des deux actrices principales.

    • Trần Vũ Thuỳ Duong
    • Andorra


    • Mike
    • New Zealand

    A fine film. Well worth the time spent watching.

    • Nallely
    • Mexico

    No esperaba que algunas escenas fueran bastante dramáticas y quizás subidas de tono, pero precisamente eso es lo que hace que se sienta más real.

    Aprender aceptar las cosas y seguir adelante no es nada fácil, pero es algo que se tiene que hacer y como dijo el chico, lo mejor que puedes hacer por ellos es vivir para recordarlos y seguir amándolos, así continuaran vivos junto a nosotros.

    • Auro
    • Mexico

    thankyou for sharing such a beautiful movie with us!!!!

    • Matheus Felipe
    • Brazil

    É um filme incrível, toca em temas realmente sensíveis e recentes e a conclusão é perfeita.

    • りゅうざきゴンザレス
    • Spain

    3*映画。本当綺麗です。映画は、真の物語と 静かかで 悲しいです。お疲れ様でした。

    • Franz24
    • Italy

    A fine treatment of a very sensitive subject. Acting of both actresses is very compelling.

    Just an additional note. I had to switch to the English subtitles since the Italian ones didn’t make sense at times.

    • Alexsi
    • Mexico

    Me encantan estas películas que te dejan pensando, muy buena trama, aunque algo difícil de seguir respecto a que muchas veces sientes que no la quieres seguir viendo, me encanto el final, las enseñanzas espero llevarlas acabo

    • Trikka
    • Mexico

    Estuvo más interesante de lo que esperaba pero el final me decepcionó, quería saber porque Mariko lo hizo, así que esperaba la voz off de Mariko explicando sus motivos a Shii-chan.

    • Romualdo
    • Peru

    Muy interesante modo de explorar el luto, con todas sus emociones tan variadas y a veces contradictorias. Los flashbacks creo que están bien empleados y ayudan a acercarse a la relación entre ellas.

    • Joba Tridente
    • Brazil

    …, belo e melancólico! …, gosto da sutileza, pois a sugestão é sempre mais forte do que é explícito.

    • eikurow
    • Australia

    This film absolutely blew me away. Acting by Nagano Mei was phenomenal and the long, silent moments in the movie were done very intentionally. I wasn’t prepared for the number of tissues I needed.
    Really exceeded my expectations. Thank you for such a beautiful and moving film.

    • Leizu
    • Mexico

    Conmovedora historia, bien realizada, emotiva, actuaciones impecables, recomendada ampliamente.

    • Uziel
    • Mexico

    Es emotiva, impactante, tiene temas fuertes e impactantes, con sentimientos profundos, lo recomiendo ampliamente.
    Pd. Me gusto la actuación de la protagonista

    • Silvia Bandini
    • Italy

    Lo specchio dei sentimenti che si accavallano dopo un lutto. Dalla tristezza alla rabbia, dal senso di colpa alla rassegnazione , per arrivare all’accettazione della perdita e alla serenità ritrovata. Delicato e potente, un bellissimo film .Grazie per l’opportunità di vederlo

    • iragoras
    • Mexico

    Tan emotiva e impactante, muy bien llevada y realizada con gran detalle! me encanto!

    • Ana
    • Argentina

    Excelente drama con relatos conmovedores de alto contenido psicológico Impecable fotografía !
    La recomiendo

    • chelius
    • Mexico

    comence a ver la pelicula sin ninguna expectativa hacia ella, pero cuando la termine de ver quede conmovido y impresionado.Fue una buena pelicula, veanla.

    • Aria
    • Mexico

    From beginning to end I could see that this movie was made with a lot of care. The acting was so good, even the small gestures and the silence add to the development of the story. The topics are relevant and still, not discussed enough in our society. I’m glad I watched it. ありがとうございました。

    • Fatima
    • Brazil

    Que filme incrível. Sensível, tocante, forte. Belas atuações e linda mensagem de que honramos os que se foram vivendo bem as nossas vidas.

    • Brundel
    • Germany

    A heartbreaking story about a women which was broken by the world and her best friend who tries to do everything she can to find peace for her but also herself.

    • 看得见的见子
    • China


    • Robbyy
    • Philippines

    I’ve seen this film twice now. They’ve adapted the manga so well! This was such an emotional ride to watch.

    • Mae60
    • United States of America

    This is a sensitive beautifully told film about the bond between two young women that endures beyond death. Wonderful performances by all, especially the lead actress.

    • Javier
    • Mexico

    Realmente me destrozo por dentro esta pelicula,pero tambien me conmovio tan bella amistad a pensar de las difultades qué se presentan y su amistad siempre fue mas fuerte qué todo.

    • Glitch
    • Hungary

    This was the first film I watched this festival and I think it was a wonderful start. I loved it very much and I think I will carry it with me in my heart for a long time.

    • Otaniisan
    • Argentina

    Excelente obra, felicidades y muchas gracias por compartirla 🩷

    • Otaniisan
    • Argentina

    Simplemente hermosa, bello mensaje al final y una montaña rusa de emociones durante el film, dedicada a todas las Mariko de nuestra vida, vivir es la recompensa, así estaran en nuestros corazones 😿😿 Hermosa adaptación 🩷

    • Issel
    • Mexico

    Amazing Movie,

    • gaby
    • Ecuador

    Hola! me sale que ninguna película está disponible, saben por qué?

    • Luiz
    • Brazil

    Interesting drama. Life, friendship, sisterhood and other important subjects are in this plot. It’s worth to watch this film.

    • Stanley
    • United States of America

    Wonderful acting by the lead actor. Loved the depiction of friendship/love between women friends.

    • Cyn
    • Andorra

    Maravillosa película buen análisis sobre la vida, los vínculos y grandiosos visuales. La disfrute muchísimo.

    • Haydee
    • Mexico

    Hermosa y llena de fuerza para quien debe seguir aquí y ahora cuando perdemos a alguien muy valioso. Es encontrarse a uno mismo en el mar de incertidumbre donde caemos cuando tenemos que enfrentarnos a la nueva realidad sin su compañía.

    • Raxu
    • Mexico

    Excelente película.
    Muchas gracias por festivales virtuales como este.
    Me parece una película muy bien relatada.

    • Marcella Leonardi
    • Italy

    Yuki Tanada is special. I’m in love with her movies and series. Thank you for helping me understand myself better.

    • 观测者01
    • China


    • lilipoetz
    • Indonesia

    “kita tidak bisa melawan gravitasi”

    Sebuah kalimat metafora yang bermakna sangat dalam di film ini.

    • DanDan
    • Mexico

    Iba a ver sola esta película y curiosamente terminé viéndola con mi mejor amiga.
    Ambas nos quedamos con varios nudos en la garganta al ver las similitudes de nuestra amistad con la de Mariko y Shiino.

    Me pareció una película muy entrañable que me mantuvo todo el tiempo atenta, esperando más.
    El ver hasta dónde puede llegar una amistad incluso después de la muerte fue bastante emotivo.

    • David
    • Mexico

    ¡Gracias por traer esta pelicula¡

    • Kurohiku
    • France

    Beau film, avec des moments touchants.
    Complémentaire avec le manga qu’il adapte.

    • Kim Dung
    • Viet Nam

    My first movie of JFF 2024!!, really liked Japanese film 🙂 . Thank you so much

    • Annie
    • Peru

    Gracias por compartir tan hermosa pelicula en su festival 🙌

    • YabanJim
    • Germany

    Hard stuff, but well told story. Emotional without being pathetic, a good balance was found. I really like this movie.

    • everly
    • Philippines

    The film reminds us that we can continue living for ourselves despite despair and wanting to give up. It highlights how important it is to get strength from the wonderful people in our lives. Both Mariko and Shiino evoke empathy. Mariko, for lack of the love and care from her family, and Shiino, for feeling powerless to help her friend even she already did since they’re young. This serves as a powerful message for us all: to prioritize self-care, just like Makio advised Shiino..

    • Naomi
    • Indonesia

    film ini berkisah tentang 2 sahabat, sahabat yg bernama mariko ini sangat problematik, dari ditinggal si Ibu pergi, Sampai diperkosa oleh ayah sendiri.

    membuat sang teman tomoyo menjadi sangat menyayangi dan melindungi mariko.

    bagi mariko tomoyo Adalah alasan dimana ia masih bisa bernafas di Dunia ini.

    sampan akhirnya mariko bunuh diri, dan tomoyo merasa sangat sedih dan kehilangan belahan jiwa nya.

    film ini menggambarkan bahwa setiap orang berbeda beda dalam menghadapi masalah dalam hidupnya, ada yg gampang menyerah dan ada yg tetap kuat dan tetap maju dałam masalah apapun.

    film yg sangat Bagus.

    • Co Mat
    • Viet Nam

    I cried when I was watching this film. Thank you for a meaningful story from this film.

    • Androidreira
    • Argentina

    Después de que mi mejor amigo se haya suicidado,cuando alfin pude empezar a pensar y lograr recuperar algo de mi rutina, encontré el manga de my broken mariko. Expresaba exactamente como me sentía,como sentía la perdida,el enojo y sobre todo retrataba perfecto el gran amor que se siente por un amigo que ya no está y la frustración e impotencia de no haberlo ayudado apropiadamente. El manga me ayudó a purgar sentimientos y me acompaño en el duro proceso. La película es una fiel y hermosa adaptación, estoy tan agradecida de que la hayan hecho y gracias al festival de cine japonés por ponerla gratis, online, así quizás puede ayudar a alguien más tal cual lo hizo conmigo.

    • TyasF
    • Indonesia

    A story about friendship of two women who are close because of their family backgrounds. A touching story that teaches us to be grateful for life.

    • Lara G
    • Italy


    • Lara G
    • Italy

    Touching movie. I’ve loved it!

    • Lara G
    • Italy

    Delicate and touching movie. I appreciated very much

    • Jango
    • Brazil

    Linda adaptação e belo trabalho de fotografia, me emocionei muito!

    • Chele
    • Spain

    Quiero ver Suzume

    • u.u
    • Peru

    Hermosa fotografía y una historia muy sensible <3

    • Avecitarmz
    • Mexico

    Without a doubt, a film that teaches us how difficult the death of a loved one is, how to move on and live again.

    • Yume
    • Spain

    Una película emotiva sobre el duelo.

    • Cyrille
    • France

    A beautiful movie.

    • Hrimpursar
    • Mexico

    my first movie of JFF 2024!!, really liked the film. Thank you!

    • Kurisu
    • Mexico

    ¡Maravillosa! Me encantó.

    • Anonymous
    • United States of America

    loved the film and the background music accompanying it.

    • Cho
    • Indonesia

    Please also read the manga! It’s a short read and pretty good one

    • uwu
    • Argentina

    quiero verla

    • Anonymous
    • Andorra

    Good film